Tuesday 6 December 2016

What would happen if an undercover reporter came to your care home?

I have watched yet another documentary featuring undercover video of events in a care home. Needless to say, this documentary did not focus on a good care home, with kind attentive staff and residents who have activities to suit their interests and abilities. Instead it is a care home where the staff are under pressure and do not have the skills or ability to respond appropriately to the client group they are working with. The residents spend their time in front of a television and strive for the attention of the staff. The care home is badly maintained with broken equipment and, during the time the programme was being made, no hot water in some of the residents rooms. I recognise that there are some bad care homes but the majority of care homes are striving to provide a good service and environment for the individuals in their care.

I have worked with a variety of care homes. I find the staff dedicated, caring and striving to provide the best service for each resident. Managers are frequently under pressure and trying to juggle a huge variety of tasks and responsibilities. Successful care homes have a calm atmosphere and a "can-do" attitude which permeates the staff team. Each care home will have its own unique qualities.

If an undercover team were to visit the care homes that I have been associated with, they would find caring, supportive and friendly staff doing their very best to provide a safe, secure and happy environment for the residents in their care. It's a shame that doesn't make good tv.

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